Thursday, May 24, 2012

Social Jetlag

"Wer sich für Ferien oder berufsbedingt ins Flugzeug setzt und nach Übersee fliegt, kennt das Gefühl: Jetlag. Man fühlt sich schlapp, müde, und ist nur wenig aufnahmefähig. Bis sich die innere Uhr auf die neue Zeitzone einstellt, dauert meist es einige Tage.
Jetzt prägt die Wissenschaft ein neues Phänomen: Den Sozialen Jetlag. Wer seine innere Uhr vernachlässigt, fühlt sich wie nach einem Flug nach Uebersee. Ein Phänomen mit offenbar weitreichenden Folgen."
Quelle: DRS2

ScienceDaily (May 10, 2012) — Social jetlag -- a syndrome related to the mismatch between the body's internal clock and the realities of our daily schedules -- does more than make us sleepy. It is also contributing to the growing tide of obesity, according to a large-scale epidemiological study reported online on May 10 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication.

"We have identified a syndrome in modern society that has not been recognized until recently," said Till Roenneberg of the University of Munich. "It concerns an increasing discrepancy between the daily timing of the physiological clock and the social clock. As a result of this social jetlag, people are chronically sleep-deprived. They are also more likely to smoke and drink more alcohol and caffeine. Now, we show that social jetlag also contributes to obesity; the plot that social jetlag is really bad for our health is thickening."
Each of us has a biological clock, he explained. We can't set those clocks according to our whims like watches. They are rather entrained by daylight and night-darkness to provide the optimal window for sleep and waking. In modern society, we listen to those clocks "less and less due to the increasing discrepancy between what the body clock tells us and what the boss tells us."

To find out how big this problem really is, Roenneberg's team is compiling a vast database on human sleeping and waking behavior, which they'll eventually use to produce a world sleep map. Now 10 years into the effort, they already have lots of information, including participants' height, weight, and sleep patterns.
Their analysis shows that people with more severe social jetlag are also more likely to be overweight. In other words, it appears that living "against the clock" may be a factor contributing to the epidemic of obesity, the researchers say.
The findings should weigh in on decisions about Daylight Saving Time, not to mention work and school times, they add. It would also help if people began spending more time outdoors in open daylight or at least sitting by a window. As people fail to do this for one reason or another, their body clocks get set later and later, leaving them awake into the night and tired by day.
"Waking up with an alarm clock is a relatively new facet of our lives," Roenneberg says. "It simply means that we haven't slept enough and this is the reason why we are chronically tired. Good sleep and enough sleep is not a waste of time but a guarantee for better work performance and more fun with friends and family during off-work times." And slimmer waistlines, too.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Monday, May 21, 2012


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tipp: Blog - Mode für jeden Tag

Friday, May 11, 2012

Apps für den Affen

Nicht nur Menschen finden gefallen am iPad, auch Tiere nutzen das Tablet mit zunehmendem Interesse. In Milwaukee kommunizieren Orang-Utans mit Artgenossen über Skype.

In Miami kommunizieren Orang-Utans mit den Tierwärtern über das iPad. Via Symbole zeigen die Primaten auf dem Tablet, was sie sich gerade zum Essen wünschen.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Running to the Edge of the World

We're running to the edge of the world
I don't know if the world will end today...